
Annual Parish Meeting Minutes – April 2024

Minutes Uploaded on June 4, 2024

Minutes of the 16th Annual Parish Meeting of
held on Tuesday 16th April 2024 at 7.30p.m. at
Present: –
Councillors: – N Galletly – Chairman D Cross – Vice Chairman
C Brooke N Douglas H Gairdner
Clerk L Stanley
Apologies P Brown J Coyn2024-2025e N Meades
Public 13 residents
WELCOME – The Chairman, N Galletly welcomed everyone to the meeting, especially ALISON EASTWOOD, County Councillor and SIMON DAVIS, EFKB
Simon Davis was with the HS2 information bus from p.m. and asked if there was any further information he could provide. The work on the A361 is going well and backfilling of tunnel will start early summer and may be completed early next year.
There will be some diversions due to gas mains work and Work on viaduct will cause some highway closures early next year.
Simon was thanked for his attendance
Alison Eastwood read her report in full and it will be posted on the website. She expanded the following points: –
The budget meets all frontline services, all precepts have been agreed.
WN councillors have expressed concern that new electric buses have been allocated to the north of the county.
There have been more accidents due to the numbers of HS2 hgv movements.
WRL will see Northampton acting as one of its hosts this summer.
Alison had another AVM to attend; she was thanked for attending Chipping Warden & Edgcote
The Annual Report has been circulated via Community Web:
Reports from all organisations will be appended to these minutes on line.
The Chairman asked if there were any matters arising from the Annual Report
PARISH AWARD was awarded to TOM SMITH for his work for the Ukraine Charity, Neighbourhood Watch and Police Liaison
Questions from the floor; –
Allens Orchard road & footpaths have been completed to much approval.
Potholes in Hogg End are constantly reported
The balancing pond is always on the agenda and will be until decisions are made.
The new grass contractor has now carried out 2 cuts very satisfactorily. There are a few points to be clarified.
WNC will supply Culworth Road sign and it will include Village Hall.
3 reports were read by R Smith, Police Liaison, Neighbourhood Watch and Church; these will be posted on the website together with any others received
The Chairman closed the meeting at 20.30.
Chairman’s Signature……………………………………………………….Date………………………..