
Minutes – July 2024

Minutes Uploaded on July 22, 2024

Minutes of 119th Meeting of the


Held on Tuesday 9th July 2024 in the Village Hall @ 19.30


Present C Brooke, P Brown, D Cross, N Douglas, N Galletly, H Gairdiner  
Clerk L Stanley  
Apologies Accepted –  N Meades  
  Noted       – none  
119.1 Open Forum – No residents present  
119.2 Declaration of Interests – None  
119.3 Minutes of 117th & 118th Parish Council Meetings – Agreed and signed  
119.4 Councillor Co-option  
  Several residents were mentioned and will be approached to ascertain if they could be considered as potential councillors. NG,ND, CB
119.5 Village Environment  
a) Village Walk details will be brought up to date & circulated LS
b) Street lighting electricity contract expires at the end of the month.  The details were discussed and the decision was to remain with SSE Solutions  


c) The police were involved at 50 Banbury Road; there was a disturbance and evidence of drug used.  It is now boarded up awaiting action by the owner.  
119.6 HS2  
a) Thursday 18th July work will commence on the Westbury Viaduct.  This will entail a large number of cement lorries to & from Westbury for 24 hours along our roads.  
b) The new MP for this area, Stuart Andrew, is planning a meeting with HS2 and the parish council asap.  
119.7 Activity Park  
  All inspections are up to date.

There are 2 broken items now awaiting replacement – nothing to stop use of the area and replacements are being chased.

In-growing weeds to be sprayed off to restore path surfaces.





119.8 Training  
  None requested  
119.9 Finance    
  a) Authorisation required: –  
    Leicestershire Gardening 2 cuts @ £275 + added work £200=£475.00

SSE May                                                 £143.44 + vat £7.87 = £151.31

E-On – Quarter                                  £204.00 + vat £40.80 = £244.80

Netwise disc space                             £20.00 + vat £4.00   = £24.00

All approved
  b) Current a/c £2418.63   Deposit £225794.26  
  c) Assets of Community Value (ACVs) to be finalised asap  
  d) NCALC’s Model Financial Regulations, having been tailored to CW&EPC and been circulated to parish councillors, was agreed and adopted.  It will be on the website            NG
  e) Income – none to date  
119.10 Planning  
    2023/6273/RMA – Land off Long Barrow                                          Pending  
    2024/0825/FUL – new track over Cherwell for Blackgrounds  
    2024/1051/LBC – Trafford Bridge – strengthen bridge – Work now postponed to Summer 2025  
    2024/1310/LBC–Jasmine Cottage Culworth Road – replace chimney  
    2024/3109/TCA Works to Trees (Conservation Area) Village Green Byfield Road Chipping Warden OX17 1LD Chipping Warden and Edgcote Removal of ground suckers – 3 x Lime trees 24/06/2024 Delegated Chipping Warden & Edgcote Parish Council  
    No information regarding Rose & Crown  
    WNC Highways to be asked if PC can remove the fencing around Allens Orchard balancing pond NG
119.11 Correspondence – all previously e-mailed  
    WN Consultation     Public Health     WNC Development Management     Safety of Lithium Batteries

Letter from Dannielle Stone, PFCC   WNC Arts & Crafts                           NCALC UPDATE

Beat Bus                  Town & Country Briefing      London Oxford Airport     Public Sector

Weekend Closure of A361        Broadband across  WNC

WNC Open Spaces

Rapid Respond     NCALC request for survey










119.12 Matters for Next Agenda and/or information  
    Change to next meeting date – chairman on holiday  
119.13 Date of Next Meeting  
    Next meeting –   Change of date to 17th September



Meeting closed 20.30