Chipping Warden Neighbourhood Watch
Be Alert!
Some of you may know already and others may have seen the publicity in the papers recently that the archaeological searches carried out by HS2 have revealed a road system that crosses the line of the HS2 track line in the land down the Culworth Road.
You may also be aware that there has been the theft of a Horse Trailer from Mill Lane in the past few days. Since Christmas there have been a few instances of theft from rural properties in this area of Northamptonshire.
All this indicates that there may be a number of people going around the village who do not have connections with anyone in the village and are here for their own reasons.
Please be aware of anyone who, is not known to you and, appears to be scouting around the village. We do have our fair share of walkers as this is a lovely part of the world but it is our part of the world and we should aim to protect it and what is ours.
As ever let me know if anything concerns you and/or you wish to join our growing band of followers.
Tom Smith