Since our last notes two incidents of suspicious behaviour in the village have been reported to Nothamptonshire Police. I am pleased to report both were responded to positively within a matter of hours. In both cases an incident number has been given and the details retained for intelligence purposes.
Please remember one of the purposes of the scheme is to ensure that we live in a safe and secure community. We should CHECK – CHALLENGE anything which we believe cannot be explained satisfactorily or that we think is suspicious.
The scheme is currently being run as a community wide project within which I hope everyone is kept informed and joins in. The time for enlarging this involvement and increasing direct personal participation is yet to come.
Recent police reports have stressed the need, even in these challenging times, to remember the national anti-terrorist campaign. Emphasis today is drawn to the PREVENT section of this campaign and to help with our understanding a series of animations covering five common misconceptions, around faith, spying, criminalisation, ideology and policing of views, have been produced. These can be viewed at:
The emphasis today continues to be on COVID 19 and our attitude to STAY ALERT. We appear, at least in England, to be slowly moving towards a lessening of restrictions in our everyday life but we should not get ahead of ourselves and pre-empting the published guidance.
We appear to have been extremely lucky in the village lets keep it that way.
Tom Smith
0779 209 8167
01295 660 608