
Superfast Broadband by Autumn 2018

Please see Email received Late April 2018


Subject: Ultrafast Broadband Delivery Coming Soon to your village!


 Dear Chairman,


 Northamptonshire County Council’s partnership with Gigaclear is well underway.  We are making good progress on bringing ultrafast broadband (up to 1,000Mbps), through the Superfast Northamptonshire project, to properties in rural areas of Northamptonshire, which currently have low broadband speeds. This means that these areas will benefit from the fastest broadband speeds available in the UK.


 We are pleased to let you know that the Gigaclear team will be starting work shortly in Appletree, Edgecote and Chipping Warden. Work is scheduled to complete in the in the quarter July to September 2018. Please note these dates are subject to change.  Follow the links below for details of any changes.


 Below is what will happen during this time and we would be grateful if you could circulate this information further with parish councillors and the local community.


 Installing the network and making good afterwards

This will involve digging up pavements and roads as Gigaclear installs the full fibre cabling along with connection points outside the boundary of every property. All residents and businesses will be informed as soon as their connection is ready and can take full advantage of ultrafast speeds. 

 Everything disrupted by the installation will be reinstated to Highways Authorities and Utilities Committee standards.


 Keeping you informed


Gigaclear will provide channels of communication to help answer questions. They are also happy to attend a parish meeting to explain more about the rollout.


 Further details of the areas covered in the project, and other useful information, can be found on Gigaclear’s and the Superfast Northamptonshire project websites, see links below.  – to register and receive the most up to date roll out information.  – please do not hesitate to get in touch with Gigaclear either online or by phone if you have any queries.  – provides further information about the Superfast Northamptonshire project and the County Council’s partnership with Gigaclear.


 For more information, please find attached a copy of Gigaclear’s Parish Pack leaflet.


 Kindest Regards


Broadband Delivery Team