
Minutes – May 2024

Minutes Uploaded on June 4, 2024

MINUTES of the TWO MEETINGS of the PARISH COUNCIL to be held on TUESDAY 12th May 2024 at 7.30pm In the Village Hall

“Please Note: All Parish Council Meetings may be recorded”




1 Election of Officers  
  Chairman NIGEL GALLETLY was nominated, seconded & duly elected
  Vice Chairman David Cross  was nominated, seconded & duly elected
  RFO Lorraine Stanley was nominated, seconded & duly elected
2 Apologies N Meades, J Coyne & H Gardiner
3 Finance
  a) RESOLUTION:  that the 2024 Financial Regulations and the Parish Councils Audit Policy be adopted alongside the Financial Risk Assessment 2021
  b) RESOLUTION: that the Village Sign and the two wooden Bus Shelters should remain covered by the insurance but that the stone Bus Shelter and the street lights will not be covered by the Parish’s insurance,
4 STANDING ORDERS RESOLUTION: that the 2018 Standing Orders be adopted
5 DATA PROTECTION DPO to remain with NcALC
6 CODE OF CONDUCT RESOLUTION; to abide by 2021 Code & all new councillors to be issued with copy




117.1 Open Forum No residents present  
117.2 Declaration of Interest None declared
117.3 Annual Parish Meeting                                                                                     No matters arising Minutes signed
117.4 Minutes of 115 & 116 meetings All agreed Minutes signed
117.5 Village Environment  
A few problem areas with new mowers being dealt with.

One resident can no longer strim outside his bank.  This was always with the mowing schedule and will now be included again

Updated list for Village Walk LS
117.6 Councillor Vacancy James Coyne has tendered his resignation

WNC to be informed



117.7 HS2 Main work will be the realignment of A361  
  HS2 to be asked about cleaning The Steps  


117.8 Activity Park Two issues are being followed up following routine inspections  
117.9 Councillor training None required but 2 new councillors may wish to enrol  
117.10 Finance All agreed @ 116th have been paid  
                                         a) Cur £2307.83 & dep £19736.60  
                                         b) Annual Governance prepared  
                                         c) VAT £1206 claimed  
117.10 Planning  
2023/5903/5904 Manor House Approved
2023/5773 Long Barrow Approved
23/23/7467 Barn Cottage Approved
204/0825 New Track Pending
2024/1051 Trafford Bridge Pending
2024/1310 Jasmine Cottage Pending
117.11 Correspondence All emailed  
NCALC updates & training; police; Neighbourhood Plan; ERTA News;  
Residents Letter re parking To go on web
117.12 Matters for next meeting  
AGAR acceptance  
Parish Award for the future  



Chairman’s signature……………………………………………………..Date………………………….