HS2 Contact Details
As part of HS2’s commitment to being open and accessible for local communities, you will now be able to contact our helpdesk team using a new Freephone telephone number.
All calls are free of charge from UK landlines and mobile phones.
The Freephone number is 08081 434 434. This number can also be found on our website www.gov.uk/hs2
Or email: hs2enquiries@hs2.org.uk
HS2 have also introduced a new Freephone mini-com number for callers with hearing and speech difficulties. This number is 08081 456 472
The HS2 engagement manager for Chipping Warden and Edgcote is Nisha Mejer. You can contact her direct on:
Phone: 07388 851074 Email: nisha.mejer@hs2.org.uk