
Developer Housing Survey – update

Gary Owens, the  Housing Strategy and Partnerships Team Leader (Joint) for the SNC has been unable to provide any answers posed so far by the Parish Council regarding the Grand Union Housing Group “Chipping Warden Housing Survey”, recently delivered to households in the village.  This is because the officer in his team who has been liaising with the developer is on holiday, back on Monday, suggesting that someone in the SNC did know about it.

So, until we receive his response we will not be able to comment on the survey more than reiterate:

  • the PC was not aware of it, contrary to what was written in the covering letter
  • the SNC conducts official housing surveys on a regular basis in order to meet the housing needs of communities across the county – we are unaware of any precedent where a developer conducts an independent survey into housing needs in a village
  • we do not know if this survey is legitimate
  • we do not know whether the SNC will take into account the results of this survey in any future planning application
  • this proposed development is outside the village confines


Any questions please let us know and we will ask them of the SNC until we have full clarity on this matter.