
Annual Village Meeting April 2021

Minutes Uploaded on April 29, 2021

Minutes of the 13th Annual Parish Meeting of


held on Tuesday 13th April 2021 at 7.30p.m. at



Present: –

Councillors: –  N Galletly – Chairman    D Cross – Vice Chairman

C Brooke                      P Brown           N Douglas

H Gairdner                     N Meades

SNC                 Cllr Mrs Sergison-Brooke

EK                   Chris James

EK                   Simon

Clerk                L Stanley

Apologies        D Hussey          V Woodford

Public              12+ Members


Welcome – The Chairman, N Galletly welcomed everyone to the meeting.

The Annual Report stated that there would no need for an election in the Parish, but a nominee had applied direct to SNC, registered direct to stand for election.  The Parish Council was unaware of this until the List of Nominees was sent out; Chipping Warden & Edgcote will require an election on 5th May 2021.



tom Smith is the Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator for this parish.  One main concern is the number of `scams’ that are occurring; everyone needs to be very vigilant.


The Parish Council recently appointed him to be Police Liaison Representative, and this is working well.  It is, of course, very useful to have the registration number of any vehicle involved in any incident. The Rural Crime Team are very helpful and will be interested in some aspects of HS2 problems such as protesters and activist that may occur.



The Annual Village Report had been circulated to all residents along with the invitation to the meeting.  It is also on the website.


There were no questions arising from the report.



HS2 & Relief Road

The Chairman introduced Chris James and Simon Davis from Eiffage-Kier (EK) and asked for any questions: –

CJ – To answer some of Tom’s points: –

1 Security is tight on site to protect workers & residents

2 Protesters are being monitored as they are mainly activists that are already known

3 Glyn Davis wood between Boddington & Wormleighton has been identified as possible trouble spot.


NG – Do you have any details yet of the numbers of possible residency units on the airfield.

CJ – This is quite a complex calculation as many workers on HS2 will leave their homes early Monday mornings and return Friday.  This area could draw workers from Birmingham who would have 1 to 1 ½ hours each way; one option would be to lodge in hotel/B&B/private homes, second would be to use on site accommodation.

Units can house 80 persons, so it is planned initially to try it with 2 units.


J McGregor – could something be done about the amount of litter within the village boundaries?

CJ – EK do regular monthly litter picks.

NG – Ramac were approached by the Parish Council and are also carrying out monthly litter picks.


ND – litter also applies to road signs & notices!

CJ – Early works, were “bitty” as the infrastructure was not in place.  HS2 will now be working differently, and this should improve.  Vehicles will travel along the roads that are now being built alongside the rail track and many signs should no longer be needed.


F Tuthill – There are too many trees being planted for the area.  The verge along the stone wall in Banbury Road was a case in point.

NG – These are now gone.  The trees were planted, then Gigaclear dug up the remaining verge and left a mess. Parish Council asked for trees to be removed and grass verge to be properly re-instated as the wall could be damaged, no access to wall for repairs and it would make the path narrower.


V Lord – Appletree Road Balancing Pond 2 needs filling in.

NG – This is very important as it is there to provide run-off water for the whole of the bypass  site.  Water is collected into the ponds then allowed back into the existing drainage system in a controlled manner to avoid flooding.  The depth of Allens Orchard Balancing Pond 1 was an error which has now been corrected by raising the base slightly.


F Tuthill – there is still a problem with the drain by the northbound A361 which floods regularly, is it going to be fixed.

NG – No!  It is not within HS2 land and is not to do with them; it has been reported to Highways many times over the last 10 years and will be again, this time to WNC!


HG – what is diversion route for HS2 when Trafford Bridge closed.  WNC are closing bridge to carry out repairs over summer.

CJ – Will look at this whole area as he didn’t know this and will check position. Is it undertaking or narrative?

ND – Petitioners received assurances at parliament that timings of closures would be co-ordinated to prevent all roads being blocked at once. This could be found in Hansard and would be in both NG and ND presentations.


ND – can the residents see some of the artifacts that have been found?

CJ –  will relate this to archaeologist.


NG thanked Chris James & Simon for attending.

He introduced Allison Eastwood and Rachael Hemelryk James who are standing for West Northants Council.

On behalf of the Parish Council, he thanked Mary-Ann Sergison-Brooke for her service as District Councillor and her support to the Parish Council.


Mrs Sergison-Brooke gave her thanks to the Parish Council for over 30 years assistance; this is a wonderful Parish Council


Eddy Bellamy – there has been a marked increase in vehicle speed especially on the new road; will there be any restrictions/signage soon.

NG – There is still the “bringing into use” process to be finalised and speed was one issue to be discussed as it was raised with the planning department by the PC.


The Parish Council May Meeting will again be virtual as our date falls inside covid restrictions but thereafter meetings should back to the Village Hall




The Chairman closed the meeting at 20.15.