
Neighbourhood Watch Notes June 2020


16 June 2020

Scams.   Over the past few days there have been a number of reported incidents of individuals posing as Police Officers carrying out covert operations into bank activities.  In one incident an elderly couple were scammed out of thousands of pounds.

Please stay aware of this activity and question thoroughly anyone who make such claims and never divulge bank details without independently checking first.  If there is any doubt give me a call or, independently, call 101.

Hate Crime.  These are difficult times for all of us and we have seen over the past week or so rising tensions amongst various groups of people.  Whatever you think of the right or wrongs Hate Crime and Discrimination is illegal.  I have attached a flyer which shows the route for reporting any observed instances of Hate Crime.  We should not, in our community if nowhere else, be tolerating this activity.

Social Distancing. Although shops and other amenities are gradually reopening there should be no groups of more than 6 and the social distancing rules still apply.  Whatever others are doing elsewhere in the country we should endeavour to follow these guidelines that are put in place for everyone’s health and safety.


Please ensure that these notes are passed on to those you know do not have access to these pages and please keep checking on those we consider vulnerable.  We are still not out of the trees and we should STAY ALERT at all times.


Tom Smith

Chipping Warden

Neighbourhood Watch Coordinator

01295 660 608

0779 209 8167